"Get closer, simplify the background, and watch the edges."

I was at a photoshoot this weekend and my client made a comment about how fancy cameras like mine are becoming an anomaly. He is completely right! Most people don't want to spend a fortune on an expensive camera, especially when nowadays nearly everyone has a smart phone with the ability to take pretty decent pictures, right in your pocket at all times. You don't need a fancy DSLR or to hire a photographer to take pictures of your kids. I'm sure if you look at your phone's camera roll it is filled with pictures of your family. And while I agree that you don't need a fancy camera to take decent pictures, there are a lot of things that photographers think about when composing a photograph. Are you looking to take better photos of your kids? In this article, Aaron Taylor shares four simple tips to keep in mind when taking photos of your kids. Read this article to bring your photos to the next level. They are simple, to the point, and easy to remember the next time you grab your camera or phone to capture some special memories!
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-Foreward by Erika Sneeringer