"For school portraits, I use a blue and white multicolored mulsin backdrop. It is impossible to iron out all of the wrinkles. Most certainly impossible for me since I honestly don’t know where my iron is and don’t even own an ironing board. I don’t even bother. The backdrop stays balled up in a corner in my at-home studio (aka a small corner in my basement). Here’s why…. with the right lighting and setup, you don’t need to do anything to get the wrinkles out of the background."

Professional school portraits aren't just for the big studios. With an inexpensive setup and the right technique, we can all follow Erika Sneeringer's easy yet effective method to capture amazing school portraits. Erika lays out everything for you. And with a gear list, settings description, in-depth photo comparison, and plenty of joy mixed in, you'll be calling your local preschools to follow in Erika's footsteps.
What's more, Erika explains yet another advantage over the usual school portraits: variety and playfulness. With Erika's big heart and positive nature, it's no wonder she got the big smiles and joyful expressions you'll see in her photos.
By the way, what's the secret to using Erika's balled-up, wrinkled muslin backdrop? Read her post here to find out.
- Foreword by Aaron Taylor